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The Best Approach to Auto Insurance Quotes

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Auto insurance quotes are generally free so don't just take out an auto insurance policy based on the first auto insurance quote you get.

The best possible way for saving money on your auto insurance is to get at least three insurance quotes. Granted, getting multiple insurance quotes will take you time but if you compare your hourly rate at work to the amount you could save on your auto insurance I think you will agree that getting several auto insurance quotes is a valuable use of your time.
by Terry Ross

Auto insurance quotes are generally free so don't just take out an auto insurance policy based on the first auto insurance quote you get.

The best possible way for saving money on your auto insurance is to get at least three insurance quotes. Granted, getting multiple insurance quotes will take you time but if you compare your hourly rate at work to the amount you could save on your auto insurance I think you will agree that getting several auto insurance quotes is a valuable use of your time.

One of the best ways to get as many auto insurance quotes as possible in the shortest period of time is on the internet. You might have to trawl through a few user unfriendly insurance quote sites but there are several little gems out there where you can get multiple auto insurance quotes in one go and most of the main providers of auto insurance not only offer online quotes but also provide consumers with discounts when they get their insurance quotes online.

A decent auto insurance broker is well worth their weight in gold. Using a broker to get your insurance quotes will mean that you only have to fill out one form and then the auto insurance broker will trawl through loads of insurance quotes until they find the best possible insurance package for you. What's really neat is that nowadays you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home as there are more and more insurance brokers offering their services on line.

As you can tell I love the online approach, for those that hate the sales pitch that accompanies a 'face to face' or telephone insurance quote online insurance providers are the answer to your prayers.

Don't wait until you change cars every year that better offer could be available. Just because you got the best possible auto insurance quote last year it doesn't mean to say you can't beat it when the renewal notice comes through your door. With online insurance, it's easy, spend a little time one evening getting comparable auto insurance quotes, there's loads of deals out there with so many auto insurance providers fighting for your business and you could save yourself wads of cash.

When looking for alternative auto insurance quotes make sure that you check that the lowest auto insurance quotes are for a similar level of cover to those that are more expensive.

Always know what you are buying, don't leave yourself exposed by paying for a cheaper but relatively useless auto insurance.

One last word of advice, the lowest auto insurance quote isn't always the best to go for even if it does provide you with the right amount of cover. Low cost auto insurance is good but it's also important to use a reputable insurance provider. There is no point getting really cheap car insurance if the company that you are insuring with either messes you around, or even worse, doesn't pay out!

About the Author:

Learn more about Insurance : http://www.topofbusiness.net

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by Mike Newton


Insurance talk? It is a dry subject, one that will make most want to reach for the pillow. However in a country where "lead floats and cork sinks", this seemingly mundane subject can present surprises and in insurance surprise is usually a dirty word. Although the nuances and peculiarities of Nicaraguan insurance are not as straight forward as one would hope; some basic knowledge will help you get on the right path. When shopping for insurance for your family, Nicaraguan home or car it is wise to keep in mind that many of the rules are not the same as at home. Knowing where some of the pitfalls are and how to avoid them is the focus of this article

NICARAGUAN INSURANCE COMPANIES Closely aligned with the banks and self-governing? Nicaragua has five insurance companies; four private and one public. The private companies, founded in the late 1990's, are owned or closely affiliated with local banks. It is no surprise therefore that the regulatory body for insurance, is basically a sub-department under the Nicaraguan banking commission, (SIBOIF). The one public insurance company was founded in Oct 1979, when all private insurance companies were nationalized and merged into what is now known as INISER.

The State insurance regulator has by law the task of regulating all aspects of the insurance industry. As a matter of practice, it does not get involved much with consumer to company complaints, but focuses more on company issues: such as capital requirements and the quality and type of re-insurance contracts the local companies use. In essence the industry is self-regulating in terms of claims paying procedures, interpretation of policy provisions, premium payments and other company client issues. Well meaning corporate intentions aside, some Nicaraguan companies do a good job and others don't. This is one of many reasons an honest, experienced insurance broker becomes a valuable mediator between the customer and insurance provider. A professional broker should be able to explain well beyond the details of this article, but this summary is a head start.

HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE My wife crashing through the garage is not covered, but 6% student mortar-fire is? The basic fire policy, which covers a structure in case of fire, lightning and explosion, is used in conjunction with the "optional" coverage to create insurance similar to a homeowner's policy like those in United States and Canada. What most would assume should be standard comes in an optional package called allied lines. This allows great price flexibility for the insurance companies to compete, but also could make many policies close to useless if cost is the only barometer. This allied lines package consists of insurance for earthquakes, tremors, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, hurricanes, tornados, labor strikes, student riots, looting, collision damage to your home by cars or aircraft (other than your own), and incredibly, flooding. Even with an allied lines package, the rules of the game are often different. One example is that flooding in Nicaragua is covered opposite as it would be in a homeowner policy in the states. In Nicaragua water damage to a house is only covered if it comes in contact with the ground before it enters the structure. So leaks from the roof or water damage from a broken pipe in the ceiling are excluded under Nicaraguan policies. HOME CONTENTS When your gardener goes on vacation so does your theft insurance. The stuff inside your house, TV's, furniture, paintings can be insured under optional contents coverage. Contents in Nicaragua includes everything except; gold, silver, jewelry, precious stones, furs, paper money, stock certificates, checks, stamps, commercial documents, and the catch all "rare objects of art or collectables". Additional coverage included by some companies at no charge include medical payments for injuries to immediate family, and/or small liability coverage. Many of the insurance companies offer an option that protects your personal property and household items from robbery. Though somewhat incredulously if no one is home when your house is robbed then Nicaragua theft insurance is invalid. If you leave your home alone, it is not covered, although that's when you need the coverage the most.

REPLACEMENT VALUE OR ACTUAL CASH VALUE My home has appreciated and my insurance depreciated? In many countries insurance is based on the idea of replacing the loss. This concept is called Replacement Value. Nicaragua uses Actual Cash Value and most of the time value is established at the time of the claim. Sounds reasonable enough. However this can be problematic. First local companies apply a depreciation factor to the lost item. Secondly, as in the case with real-estate, the item insured usually appreciates so the declared value of a house in San Juan del Sur will generally increase over time not decrease.

A misunderstood and little known clause called "rule of proportional insurance" aggravates the idea of replacing your insured real-estate loss. Basically it states if the value of the insured house is higher than the declared amount in the policy, the insured is assumed to be a co-insurer by the percentage difference. Example: you insure your house for $100,000. Two years later it is worth $200,000. The percentage difference is 50% between the policy amount and the Actual Cash Value of the house. A damage claim for $20,000 would be paid out by the insurance company after deprecation and after subtracting 50% co-insurance. It works like this: $20,000 minus deprecation and minus the 50% con-insurer penalty. Truly bad news, but only for those who have not used a competent insurance broker, since the way to eliminate deprecation and the co-insurance penalty from your insurance policies is to have your broker get the insurance company to stipulate to an agreed upon value at the start of the policy.

AUTOS Accident after midnight? Sorry, we don't insure pumpkins. Auto insurance can seem like a no-brainer, with the significant difference being only the price, but this is not the entirely true. While there is considerable standardization in the auto policies each of the five Nicaraguan companies have their idiosyncrasies. One company, for example excludes coverage late at night, or in the early morning hours any where there is (in their opinion) not sufficient security. Seems arbitrary, yet another company has a clause which voids coverage if there is not a certain percentage of tread on the tires. All except one company exclude damage claims when your vehicle is towing a trailer.

Driving drunk, reckless and without a license? We cover that. Any road worthy vehicle is required by laws to have the minimum third party liability coverage called civil responsibilidad. While "road worthy" is a relative term in Nicaragua the small liability policy required by law is very well written with no exclusions. In many countries of the world auto insurance coverage is totally void if the driver has violated the law, by say being drunk, driving reckless, or without a license. Not in Nicaragua, the drunk driver who smashes into you with insurance will still have his company pay out the minimum amounts of the policy. However this applies only to the minimum liability, all other auto coverages; collision, robbery, and higher liability limits are void if an accident occurs while driver is deemed intoxicated, under the influence of narcotics or in the commission of a crime.

A FEW GOOD BROKERS Your parachute may have holes in it. The old adage about insurance being like a parachute... you don't care about it much until you need to use it ... and then hopefully it deploys holds true here as well. Claim disputes and misunderstandings between insured and insurance companies do occur. First there is no legal duty on the part of the insurance local companies to make sure the policies they sell actually are issued correctly for the risk they cover. A rumored internal audit of one national company's found well over half of the policies they have "on the books" are incorrectly insured. Some common errors are made for businesses run out of a house. Structures (homes) that are used for business purposes have a higher insurance premium than regular homes. Claims loss of these on these properties can be denied. Other frequent errors occur in Granada and Leon, where you have a mixture of adobe and block construction in the same house. Often times the policies are priced on cement block portion of the structure to achieve a lower premium for the homeowner. This practice will result in claim denial as these structures are not considered properly insured by the insurance company.

Compounding the situation is the fact the agents and brokers are not as well regulated and trained as in some other countries. All brokers are required by law to have a 100,000 Cordobas ($5,892) bond for malfeasance, but it is rarely used. Although liability for errors and omissions is a known concept in Nicaragua, pursuing a legal claim against an agent or insurance company in the overburden Nicaraguan judicial system is futile. So what can you do to make sure your insurance works when you need it? Shop around for a broker not insurance. Why? Because unlike other markets, local companies use the same rates for standard risks. For example, insurance for new residential construction cost $4.50 per 1000 of insurance. A house of 132,000 will cost 594.00 plus 15% tax and a small policy fee. There are some slight differences in auto policies pricing because of the different insured values the local companies assign to the vehicles.

A good intermediary can tell you which company is best for your auto, and often times may suggest a different company for homeowner's coverage. Having an insurance broker represent you costs nothing extra, because the commission paid by the company is built into the cost of the insurance. Understanding policy conditions and wording is the key to being insured correctly. Interview or meet with different agents or brokers then choose one to represent your interest to the five Nicaraguan insurance companies. Ask questions and don't assume something is covered just because it was in another local. Even knowledgeable agent may not know the answer off the top of his head, however, a good agent will acknowledge he doesn't know and will find out.

About the Author:
Warren "Mike" Newton with 26 years in the insurance industry, advises corporate and individual clients throughout Latin America and the United States. He is a licensed attorney, graduate of Loyola University Law School, and holds a Chartered Life Underwriters (CLU) degree from The American College, Bryn Mawr PA. Mike lives in Nicaragua with his family and is owner of the insurance brokerage firm CSISA, www.nicaragua-insurance.com
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Correct calculation is the key to cheap auto insurance

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by Joel Cohen

Many policy holders are unaware to the fact that they might be over paying their auto insurance. Any one who has a vehicle will agree that it is of their interest to insure their car for the cheapest price available and know that the services they receive for the price they pay are reliable.

So how do you do it? How do you get cheap auto insurance to go with a reliable service without going through too much hassle in the process? The answer is simple. It is all about understanding what you pay for and what type of coverages you really need as a policy holder.

Don't just pay for everything!

It is useless to pay for coverages that are not necessary. Let me explain with an example. Your car is not new, in fact it is old and you have calculated and found out that the car's value is worth less than ten times your premium. In this case there is no reason to have comprehensive coverage in your auto insurance. You ask why? The answer is simple, comprehensive coverage reimburses you in case of any damage to your car that is not a result of a collision with another car including, theft, flooding and fire. If your car is not of high value there is no reason to have this coverage. You might ask but what happens if someone steals my car? Well the best way to prevent theft is installing anti theft devices, they are relatively cheap and will last for years. Oh here is a little secret in case you didn't know: Once you install an anti theft device be sure that your insurance company will charge you less since they know that these devices will prevent theft.

Cheap auto insurance - Keep yourself updated!

It is necessary to constantly update yourself on auto insurance strategies. To save, once a while go online and freely fill out auto insurance quotes. Compare the prices you get and you will find that it is not hard to get cheap auto insurance. Some basic strategies you can apply here is to raise your deductibles. Raising them from $250 to $500 can save you as much as 10 % from your premium. Again pay attention to what kind of coverages you really need and go according to that.

When comparing quotes pay attention to the details you enter. Always enter accurate information about yourself. There are still tricks you can use here. For example: try to compare the male and female as main drivers that will help a lot. Depending on the type of car insured and the main driver insured you will find that you can save a sufficient amount using this method.

By using the few strategies pointed out in this article you will find that you can start saving hundred of dollars right away and in certain cases you won't have to shift to a different insurance company. Calculate and does some research browse the internet a good place to start with is: Cheap auto insurance - Helping yourself save

About the Author:
Adjustcredit.com is a Personal Finance Guide devoted to inform and educate. Our goal is to educate those who seek financial guidance and with this comprehensive guide we find our contribution to the community. For more unbiased Auto Insurance information visit Auto Insurance Guide
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How You Can Save On Auto Insurance

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by Ramzes Berezecki

There are several little things that determine the cost of auto insurance. When properly attended to these can significantly reduce the costs associated with insuring the vehicle.

Auto insurance is mandatory and many people treat the paying for it like a utility bill - something that just got to be done and the least bothered with the better. Therefore they just go to the same place year after year to pay for it, perhaps not realizing that significant savings can be realized otherwise.

One of the simplest that can be done is just having a look around for what is available out there. Getting a few quotes from competing insurance companies might take a bit of foot work, driving around or calling. But also with the current proliferation of Internet it is ever so easy to check out everything from the pleasant and easy reach of your computer.

One of the things insurance companies often do in determining the client's cost of the insurance premium is looking up his or her credit history. So having it improved can obviously save money. Credit management is a whole other topic but briefly here - anyone is entitled to free credit score report on oneself up to once every 12 months. Each of the credit reporting agencies being Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are obligated by law to comply with such request.

How can one improve the credit score? Naturally paying all the bills on time will have the biggest impact. Also each of those reports will contain the positive and negative information determining the overall score. Some of such can be erroneous and if so can be removed by one of the above companies. Also switching to new auto insurance after any particular derogatory remark in the report expires - as these all do - will have a positive impact on the insurance premium paid.

As a side note I will add that, at least for the insurance purposes, the basic credit score from the above agencies is all that is needed. Some other companies can sneak one into paying 'member fees' for a free report or even those ones I mention charge for the report if ordered through internet - but again the cost of a postal stamp is all that is required to get it.

And another thing to observe when shopping for insurance or particularly when buying a new car is that the insuring companies rate different models of vehicles in their own specific ways. For instance cars that have parts which are costly to replace will lean towards having higher insurance premiums. In like manner, autos that show in the stats to be stolen more often will also have their insurance costs going up compared to others.

About the Author:
Ramzes Berezecki is recognized for his informative writings relating to classic car insurance and discount car insurance . Feel free to to visit his blog at http://autosure.blogspot.com
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Top 10 Factors Affecting Auto Insurance Premiums

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by Dean Cecere

When it comes to shopping around for car insurance, there are many considerations to keep in mind. Whether you are a new driver or have many years of driving experience, now is as good a time as any to understand how insurance companies evaluate you in order to come up with a premium for your vehicle coverage policy. This is particularily important if you are shopping around for the cheapest car insurance, and why shouldn't you? Basically, according to many auto insurance professionals, the following is a list of the top 10 factors affecting your insurance premiums for auto protection.

1. Year, make and model of vehicle: The more a vehicle costs to repair will be more expensive to insure. Fast sporty cars will have a heftier premium than a 4 cylinder sedan, as will cars that are prone to theft, as well as newer vehicles.

2. Gender: Unfortunately, this is one you have no control over. Statistically, females have less collisions than male drivers.

3. Vehicle usage: Do you commute to work, or is the car used mainly for pleasure? How much mileage do you drive yearly?

4. Age of driver: According to insurance professionals, younger drivers pose a higher risk level. The more years you have been insured consistantly, the lower you can expect to pay.

5. Past claims: Companies look at your past driving record, especially if you have made claims in the past. If you have been involved in accidents, and have been found to be at fault, you will be considered a high risk driver.

6. Offenses and traffic violations: Insurance companies reward safe drivers with lower policy premiums. So make sure you keep those traffic offences to a minimum.

7. Where you live: If you live in an area where the crime rate is high and there is a higher chance of theft and vandalism, that risk will cause your coverage to increase.

8. Drivers education or training: If you have taken a course in drivers Ed, this will help lower your cost of insurance.

9. Coverage type: The more coverage you have, the greater your fees become. Normally, newer vehicles require more coverage. Liability, collision and comprehensive, fire, theft and vandalism are among the most popular options. By law, you are obliged to have liability coverage, but anything more is all up to you to decide whether it is necessary or not. It is important to wisely weigh your options.

10. Deductibles: This is where being a good driver can pay off for you. The safer driver you are, the less likely you are of being at fault in accidents. Choosing a higher deductible can lower your premiums a considerable amount, however you should make sure that if you do have to make a claim, you are able to cover that deductible amount.

As you can see, there are many elements affecting the premium you can pay for vehicle protection, which may explain why you are paying more or less than your next door neighbor. Even with all of these things in mind, it is important to shop around for the cheapest auto insurance, and this is easier than you may think. The internet is full of insurance websites offering free auto insurance quotes making it easier than ever to compare rates, and make your choices based on these comparisons.

About the Author:
Dean Cecere is Primary author and owner of Insurancecoverage-quotes.com
Where you'll find insurance resources, information and articles to help you with your coverage needs, as well as
Free Auto Insurance Quotes
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Free Car Insurance Quote: Get One to Select the Best Insurance

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by Henry Bell

Have a car? Then why not buy a car insurance policy! This policy will make sure that on any instance of accident or mishap; you can conveniently repair it or even purchase a car again without paying out much from your savings account. To avail a car insurance policy, you need to collect different free car insurance quotes from the car insurance providers.

Accidents, injury, mishaps--- are too dark references to mention and God forbid if any such things happen to anyone. But it is a fact that, these incidents might happen to any person on this planet. The wise thing is to handle and control these situations, instead of crying over spilt milk. Same is the case with cars--- a car might get stolen or get damaged because of accidents. Again you might also get injured or you might harm someone while you are on your joyful drive. These situations can trap you in any sort of hassles or legal liability and take away peace from you life. But with car insurance you can get out of this trap easily and comfortably. And a free car insurance quote will help you in availing this car insurance policy.

Unless and until you search the market, you will not get a policy that will suit your needs perfectly. So go searching now! You can take different car insurance quotes from a range of car insurance providers. If you are thinking that obtaining different car insurance quotes can cost you hundreds of pounds; then shrug off this tension from your life; because car insurance quotes can be availed for free.

With internet facilities, you can easily acquire information about various car insurance policies. The insurance companies have now established their own websites where they have put all the required amount of information regarding the coverage of car insurance policies. So you can visit these websites and accumulate the required information. Apart from information, you can obtain various car insurance quotes for free from these websites. And when you are contented that a particular policy is up to your expectations, you can, then and there buy that policy. Therefore obtain car insurance quotes from the internet for free and choose a suitable car insurance policy for you and your cars.

About the Author:
Henry Bell is an author who can certainly identify the kind of insurance that you will need. He is proficient in the insurance world; he is an MBA(finance) from University of Oxford. Insuranceb endeavors to find the best possible deals for its customers. To find Free car insurance, Home owner insurance, Van insurance, Motorcycle insurance, Holiday insurance, Pet insurance visit http://www.insuranceb.co.uk/
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Home Insurance Online Quote: An Easy Way to Avail Insurance

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by Henry Bell

Obtaining online home insurance quote is the best way to select and purchase a home insurance policy. Home insurance is a paramount requirement for those people who own a house or has given his house for rent. You save pounds after pounds to invest in your homes. Therefore you should make sure that it is taken of properly. And if some damage is done to your homes, you can easily, without spending much from your pockets, rebuild it or replace the contents of your homes.

There are different types of home insurance policies:

* Building insurances: to cover the building structure of the homes including garages, sheds, fences etc.

* Home contents insurance: to cover the belongings of the house if some damage is done to them because of fire, water, etc.

* Legal protection/ liability cover: anyone can get injured in your homes. To overcome any hurdles arising out of this, you can get this cover.

All these covers can be fully understood by getting quotes from different companies. No money is spent in procuring these quotes. So without any financial constraint you can compare these quotes and get the best one for you.

To find a suitable home insurance policy, it is advisable that you obtain various quotes from different insurance companies and later on search for the home insurance policy that will fully fit in to your financial status. You can compare these home insurance quotes, how much they will cost, how much will they cover etc. Since all these come for free, you can do it without spending any money from your pockets.

Many insurance companies now have their own websites. All the information required by any customer is available on their websites. So just by sitting in front of your PC and browsing though the pages, you can acquire all the required information about your home insurance policy. These companies will provide free home insurance quotes online. What you can do is that you can compare different quotes as provided by different companies through this online method. This comparison of different home insurance quotes online is just the work of a few minutes. This online method of acquiring quotes has made the lives of all people easy and comfortable. So you cannot afford to wait any more; get a home insurance quote online and locate all by yourself a perfect home insurance policy.

About the Author:
Henry Bell is an author who can certainly identify the kind of insurance that you will need. He is proficient in the insurance world; he is an MBA(finance) from University of Oxford. Insuranceb endeavors to find the best possible deals for its customers. To find Home insurance quotes online, Home owner insurance, Van insurance, Motorcycle insurance, Holiday insurance, Pet insurance visit http://www.insuranceb.co.uk/
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3 Tips to Getting Austin's Best Car Insurance Rates

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by Raul Tejeras

Austin is known as one of the best places to live and work in America. As more and more people discover this and move to Austin there are more people driving on I35 and getting into wrecks and keeping you stuck in traffic.

How to get the best car insurance rates in Austin.

Slow down - speeding tickets may seem harmless until your rates go up. Insurance is based on risk and tickets are a risk to an insurance company. Do what you can to avoid getting a ticket on your record. It can hurt your insurance for 3 years. In your hurry to catch the UT game you'll end up paying for it for much longer if you speed and get caught.

Take defensive driving to keep the ticket off your driving record. Your record will stay clean and you'll also get a discount on your insurance. Send your agent the certificate. Just don't mention anything about the ticket. Also you can ask for Deferred Adjudication or probation.

Don't drink and drive - DUIs and DWIs are very expensive. Want to see your rate easily double, triple or more? Get caught drinking and driving and you'll see it in more ways than one.

Practice safe driving habits. Keep a safe distance. Traffic on 35 can halt to a standstill in a second so pay attention. Get off the phone and keep your eyes on the road. Maintain a safe distance or else you could easily end up rear ending the driver in front of you and you will miss the latest Austin City Limits Festival. And then you'll pay for it for at least 3 years as your premium jumps up.

If after practicing these three methods you still don't have Austin's best car insurance rates then it's time to shop around. Like most major cities there are many car insurance companies competing for your business in Austin. The more Austin grows, the more companies and the more competition. The more competition the better. And a good driver like yourself can shop around and get the best rates. If it's been a year or two and your insurance premium has not gone down then it's time to compare rates.

Your best bet is to compare multiple insurance quotes from many companies. Check out insurance.com - one of the biggest comparision sites to help you get the best auto insurance rates.

To sum up, obey the speed limit, don't drink and drive, practice safe driving habits and shop around for the best rates. Follow these simple steps and you'll have Austin's best car insurance rates.

About the Author:
Raul Tejeras runs Best Cost Car Insurance, a site helping smart consumers get the best insurance rates. Get your special reports on getting Austin's best car insurance rates online from a ex-insurance rep.
Learn more about Insurance : http://www.topofbusiness.net
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Important Facts About Auto Insurance Companies

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by Morgan Hamilton

Do you know anything about auto insurance companies? It is important to know something about them, even if you don't own a vehicle right now. If you live in the city and have no need for a car, a car may become a necessity when you have to move from the city. Almost everyone drives a vehicle, even if a person can go through life without driving. This is the reason why stiff competition exists among auto insurance companies.

Auto insurance companies have a lot of advertisements on television that are vastly different in appeal and target different audiences. A product usually targets a particular age and gender group that receives their ads accordingly. However, this is not the case with auto insurance companies because they have to target everyone. This is why their ads are so diverse and are on at all times of the day. Their success depends on the effect of the huge number of different ad campaigns on every age group and gender.

However, people can easily get confused because of the overwhelming ads they receive from auto insurance companies. They have to determine which company is really the best. We all know that it is nearly impossible to find the best deals. We all want to save money, but the location, automobile, and driving record all play a part in how much we pay. Since each individual will have a different story when it comes to what they need and how much it will cost them, the auto insurance companies can't promise the best deal to everyone.

Some auto insurance companies offer to compare prices for their costumers. However, a lot of people are unconvinced with these offers, although it sounds good in theory. People are suspicious of the accuracy of the quotes that are from other companies. For instance, a car insurance company may give a customer four quotes from other companies. The problem with this is that that it is impossible to know if they have selected the highest quotes and left off the ones that might truly save you money, because there are so many companies out there. Checking it out for yourself is the best way to get the best prices.

About the Author:
Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Auto Insurance Companies. Visit our site for more helpful information about Free Car Insurance Quotes Allstate and other similar topics.
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Why Aren't You Getting A Car Insurance Quote Online?

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by J Andrew Morrison

If you're like I was it's because you haven't at what you gain by getting an online quote for insurance.

Getting an online auto insurance quote provides huge benefits even if you don't change companies.

The benefits of getting a car insurance quote online go beyond just saving money. It takes only a couple of minutes to check the rates, and no matter what happens those few minutes will make you feel good.

Think about it, there are only 3 outcomes, all of them are good, and it only takes a couple of minutes to accomplish:

1. You don't find a company offering better insurance rates. You've spent only 15 minutes or less to find you actually have the best deal possible and can feel good about it.

2. You find a lower rate for auto insurance but don't want to switch. You now feel better about continuing business with your current insurance provider because you've proven to yourself the company you're with services beyond just the rates they offer. You might even be able to set aside some resentment you're carrying about little quirks in the company; like how they send out late notices when you've payed on time. This second result applies to my experience in getting a car insurance quote online.

3. You discover a company you trust is offering big savings over your current insurance premiums and you switch. Now you feel good that you were able to take action and make a positive change in your life. And you've paid yourself handsomely to do so.

The most valuable resource we have is time. There are really only two reasons we should spend our time, to profit, or to feel good. Feeling good about the time you spend is a huge benefit in any endeavor. If you experience the results described in 1 or 2 you benefit because you feel good with very little time spent; it was not time wasted.

With the third result also feel good, so you haven't wasted your time, AND you've paid yourself a huge salary. Even if it takes an hour for the entire process of switching from one car insurance company to another and you save only $200 per year, you've just paid yourself the hourly rate of a good attorney. And if you keep the insurance for 3 years you've paid yourself $600 for that 1 hour of work.

So now you're at the end of this article and I have to ask, do you feel good? good enough to feel you haven't wasted your time? I would think not. You've come this far so I can only assume you have some interest in getting a car insurance quote online, but this article will do you no good unless you take action on it. So go make yourself feel good, and possibly pay yourself well for the time spent, and get a quote today.

About the Author:
My name is J. Andrew Morrison, I am an Internet junky. Here is a place I found giving fast access to: online auto insurance quotes :for your state. Just pick your state and find the company best for you.
Learn more about Insurance : http://www.topofbusiness.net
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Cat Insurance: Be a caring owner!

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by Jenny Black

Many households in UK own a cat; in fact UK is considered a nation of pet lovers. But like other animals, a cat can also fall ill or meet with an accident. It is estimated that almost 50% of the cats in UK want a medical treatment of a high cost. Apart from emergencies, a cat needs regular vaccines and routine checkups. But just like the rising cost of medical bills of humans, the cost of cat's treatment is also on a rise. This unexpected medical bill can put a serious dent to your household's monthly budget. Therefore, cat insurance is a must for all cat loving human beings. Apart from its health issues, a cat also can get stolen or lost. And we all know how much does it cost to buy a cat in UK. Obviously we do not want to shell out hundreds of pounds again to buy a cat. Here also, a cat insurance policy can save you from this unexpected loss. All you need to do is to pay a certain amount to the insurance company as premium and the insurance company will provide you with the coverage for your pets.

A cat insurance policy is a necessity because, the government does not provide for health facilities to a cat for free unlike human beings. Therefore by buying cat insurance for your cats you can free yourself and also your cats from any financial constraints.

Cat insurance comes with certain restrictions, like pre-existing health conditions will not be covered by your cat insurance provider. So it is highly recommendable to read and re-read the insurance company's brochure. You should ask the insurance provider if there are some doubts in your mind regarding the amount of coverage. You need to provide to the insurance provider some information about your cat, its age, its breed etc. Apart from that you need to consider certain questions before buying cat insurance, like the rate of premium, amount of deductibles, amount of coverage etc.

With internet facilities you can easily search and locate cat insurance policies. You can compare hundreds of such companies that will provide you with cat insurance and later on you can choose the best policy from among them. Most companies offer discounts if you buy cat insurance from them through the online method. You can easily and conveniently get it delivered to your door steps by applying online. So get a cat insurance now and show that you care for your cats.

About the Author:
Jenny Black is the financial analyst at Health Insurance UK. She is providing independant insurance and financial advice on health through her informative articles. To find more about cat insurance policy, medical health insurance, Cat insurance, international students, car insurance, pet insurance visit http://www.healthinsuranceuk.org.uk/
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How to find cheap auto insurance - guidlines and tips

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by David Hunter

If you are a resident of the United Kingdom and drive a car, then you certainly have to buy auto insurance policy, because no one is allowed to drive a car in Britain without having his car insured. For someone auto insurance might seem an awesome burden, and they hate paying money for it having no other choice. However, there are some ways to reduce car insurance costs and some of us really need to know about these insurance tricks.

Before going further we have to mention that cheapest car insurance is not the best car insurance. You should always bear in mind it. When selecting an insurer, try to find out more about the company, its history and credentials. Ask your friends and relatives about it, may be they can suggest you something you are not aware of. Make a thorough research, which most likely will take several days to complete.

But where are you supposed to get started with the research? The bets place to look in is the Internet. There plenty of web sites out there offering car insurance quotes online. It may take you a day or two to understand what is going on and how to deal with the whole information offered through the web, but it is worth of spending your time, because it's going to pay off. Do not focus on a single insurance company, search for several insurers to compare their quotes.

But your research won't be comprehensive, if you limit its area only with the Internet. Get your local phone directory and call to insurance brokers. They will assist you in a great deal. Insurance brokers will make their own research and suggest you several options to choose from. At least, they are professionals and their advice can be definitely of some use to you.

Now, let's look through some of the factors influencing on the price of your car insurance policy.

Gender and age - these are the factors you cannot influence much on, but should be aware of their role. If you are a male driver under the age of 25, then you should forget about cheap insurance, because you belong to the most risky category of drivers. On the other hand, female drivers are considered to be the most careful drivers and they pay fewer premiums then men. It should be mentioned that the difference between premium levels for men and women gradually melts down as the age of car drivers increases. For example, 50-year-old men drivers pay almost the same level premiums as the female drivers of the same age.

Now, there are some factors you can manipulate in some extent to reduce your car insurance premiums. For instance, if you own an old car that is worth of $1000 and you've got to pay half of this amount for full coverage as you did many years ago, then consider to give up paying for comprehensive coverage.

Another way to reduce car insurance costs is to combine different types of coverage, like homeowners and auto insurance. You can also include a family member in your policy, so you'll get insurance for two persons save money. If you own several vehicles, most of insurers will also offer you a discount.

Auto insurance companies offer cheaper insurance rates for the vehicles that are less risky to be stolen. If you install an anti-theft device on your car, insurance companies would most likely consider your car less risky to be stolen and you can expect to get a reduced auto insurance rate.

These are some, but not the all ways to reduce your car insurance premiums. Before buying insurance policy learn as much as you can about car insurance offers on the market. There are always discounts out there and you can change your insurer every year to get the best deal.

If you wish to get more information about auto insurance, please visit Sheilas' Wheels.

About the Author:
David Hunter is an author from California. He is a professional insurance agent and works in insurance business for many years. David plays golf and drives sports cars.
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Car Insurances - why you need them?

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by RGann

You need car insurance because you are responsible for your actions behind the wheel of your car. If someone is injured because of your actions or inactions, your car insurance policy will pay for their and your medical expenses. If someone's esle vehicle is damaged, your car insurance will also pays of their repairs. This applies also for damages to your own car or vehicle. Importantly if someone sues you as a result of an accident, your acar insurance pays for the legal fees and any damages you may incured due to injuries, damages to vechiles and other porperties related to the accident. If you are not insured then you got to pay for all these expenses. For these reasons most countries requries you to be insured with car insurances. When people who are involved in mishaps and accidents without car insurance are not just being careless about their own vehicle. They are essentially being careless with you and your vehicle as well.

If they do not have car insurance for your car, and cause thousands of dollars worth of damage to your car, but do not have the money to pay to cover this damage, then, even if it is proved that it is their fault, you will have to pay for the damage to your car. So, to get that straight, you would lose any "no claims bonus" because someone with no car insurance coverage has smashed into you. This is why the law states that everybody who uses a car on the road has to get at least third party insurance."Uses" is an important word here. It's not just car "owners" who have to be insured.

About the Author:
Rgann is an independent writer and marketer online. There are more ways to save money on car insurance. If you found this article useful you can learn a lot more about car insurance tips and resources by visiting http://at-car-insurance.com
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Top 5 Car Insurance Myths And Misconceptions Debunked!

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by Ryan Holmes

Although it shouldn't be too difficult for you to locate a car insurance that satisfies your needs, as mentioned in the title, there are some misconceptions.

If you search Google for the term "car insurance" you'll find tons of information related to that keyword. Maybe that's one of the reasons why choosing a good affordable car insurance could be so confusing at times - The information on the subject is just so overwhelming...

So you see, Car insurances are complicated enough. Adding myths to the confusion won't make things easier for you to take informed decisions.

This article will give you a better understanding of the BASICS of choosing a good car insurance company by debunking its myths first.

So here are some of the most common myths floating around:

Myth #1: The colour of your vehicle will affect your insurance rate

A recent online survey of 1,000 drivers conducted by Drive® Insurance from Progressive found out that 25 % believed that the colour of their car affects their auto insurance rate.

Wrong! It doesn't matter at all weather your car is blue, red, black or golden.

Fact: Information that is used to calculate auto insurance rates includes the vehicle's year, make, model, body type, engine size and as well information about the driver. NOT the colour of your car

Myth #2 - A speeding ticket will increase my insurance rates

Nope, not necessarily. One speeding ticket probably won't affect your insurance rate although that may vary according to which car insurance you choose.

But be caught by the police more than three times for speeding OR drive more than 50 km/h faster than the speed allowed and your insurance rate will go up for sure...

Myth #3 The accident wasn't my fault! I won't be charged ...

Don't take that statement for granted. Well, the police might have considered you not guilty. BUT it's your insurance company that has the last word in your case. As long as their investigation does not confirm that it's not your fault you better be prepared to loose some cash...

Myth #4: My friend caused an accident using my car! His insurance wil pay for it...

No, certainly not true. Weather your friend caused the accident doesn't matter, your rate will increase and the claim will show on your record just as though you had the accident.

Myth #5 No matter which Auto insurance company I sign up with, my insurance rates won't differ significantly!

This couldn't be further from the truth. Auto insurance rates DO vary from company to company. Every minute spent on researching affordable auto insurance companies can and will save you hard-earned money! Sometimes several hundred dollars.

Ok, now we have debunked the most common car insurance myths & misconceptions, was that all? By no means! There are many more myths floating around but the ones provided here belong to the most common myths and should be enough for you to know to take an informed decision. After all, this is why you are reading the article in the first place.

I'm sure you can find some valuable links on the web that will take you to affordable Auto insurance companies and/or will provide you with a free Auto insurance quote to get things going.

Good luck to you finding your perfect Car Insurance :)

About the Author:
Ryan has published several articles on how to find cheap car insurance quotes online. For more useful resources and information about car insurance, quotes & common myths & mistakes to avoid please visit his car insurance website
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Car Cheap Insurance.

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by Insurance information

These are main tips to get a car cheap insurance in United States

A. Shop Around Get at least three price quotes. You can call companies directly or access information on the Internet. Your state insurance department (http://www.iii.org/media/companies/state_org/insur_departments/) may also provide a means to compare prices. Get quotes from different types of insurance companies. Some sell through their own agents. Some sell through independent agents who offer policies from several insurance companies. Other companies sell directly to consumers over the phone or via the Internet. The price may vary depending on the sales method. But don't shop by price alone. You want a company that answers your questions and handles claims fairly and efficiently. Sources for finding the right kind of company include: word of mouth, i.e. friends, relatives, co-workers; your state insurance department, where you can find consumer complaint ratios by company; and consumer magazines. You can also check the financial health of insurance companies through independent rating companies. B. Before you buy a car, compare insurance costs Your premium is based in part on the car's sticker price, the cost to repair it, its overall safety record and the likelihood of theft. Many insurers offer discounts for features that reduce the risk of injuries or theft, such as air bags, anti-lock brakes, daytime running lights and anti-theft devices. For more information on car safety, check the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Cars that are favorite targets for thieves cost more to insure. For more information on car theft, check the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).

C. Ask for a higher deductible Your deductible is the amount of money you pay out-of-pocket before your insurance policy kicks in. By requesting higher deductibles, you can lower your costs substantially. For example, increasing your deductible from $200 to $500 could reduce your collision and comprehensive coverage premium by 15 to 30 percent. Going to a $1,000 deductible can save you 40 percent or more. However, keep in mind that you'll need to have the amount of the deductible on hand should something happen to your car.

D. Reduce coverage in older cars Consider dropping collision and/or comprehensive coverage on older cars. It may not be cost-effective to continue insuring cars worth less than 10 times the amount you would pay for coverage. Any claim payment you receive would not substantially exceed your premiums minus the deductible. Claims occur on average only once every 11 or 12 years. Auto dealers and banks can tell you the worth of a car, or you can look it up online at Kelley Blue Book.

E. Buy your homeowners and auto coverage from the same insurer Many insurers will give you a discount if you buy two or more types of insurance from them. Also, you may get a reduction if you have more than one vehicle insured with the same company. Some insurers reduce premiums for long-time customers. But shop around carefully; you may still save more money buying from a different insurance company even with the multi-policy discount.

F. Take advantage of low-mileage discounts Some companies offer discounts to motorists who drive a lower than average number of miles per year. Low mileage discounts can also apply to drivers who carpool to work.

G. Ask about group insurance You may be eligible to get insurance through a group plan from your employer, or through professional, business and alumni groups or other associations. Group plans often provide substantial discounts. Ask your employer, or any groups or clubs of which you are a member, about this option.

H. Maintain good credit Your credit rating may affect what you pay for insurance, so monitor it carefully. You can get this information directly from the three major credit-rating agencies (Equifax, Experian, Trans Union). There are also various Web sites that allow you to check your credit rating and provide tips on how to improve your score.

I. Payment Facilities: In most of the insurance companies there are different ways to pay the bill. Find the plan that adapts better to your financial situation and compare the plans between companies: Pay in full Monthly payment automatically deducted from your designated financial account Pay by phone Payment by credit or debit card Pay online: Pay by mail sending a check Pay your agent:

I. Seek out safe driver discounts Most insurance companies offer discounts to policyholders who have not had any accidents or moving violations for a number of years. You may also qualify for a cut if you have recently taken a defensive driving course, if you are over 50 and retired, or if there is a young driver on the policy who is a good student, has taken a drivers education course or is away at a college, generally at least 100 miles away. When you comparison shop, be sure to inquire about discounts for the following (availability will vary according to the state and company):

No accidents in 3 years No moving violations in 3 years Drivers over 50 to 55 years of age Driver training course Defensive driving course Student drivers with good grades College students away from home $500 deductible $1,000 deductible Air bags Anti-lock brakes Daytime running lights Anti-theft device Low annual mileage Auto and homeowners coverage with the same company More than one car insured with the same company Long-time customer

But don't forget that the key to savings is not the discounts but the final price. A company that offers few discounts may still have a lower overall price.

For More information, please visit the web site: www.carcheapinsurances.info

About the Author:
The information submitted is a resume obtained in the Insurance Information Institute in United States
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Cheap Auto Insurance Guide.

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by Marian Rozwenc, PhD

Affordable auto insurance is available, but in order to find it, you'll need to be motivated and determined to do a little searching. Unfortunately, there is no way to get a list of all cheap auto insurance options from auto insurance providers, because car insurance rates are so varied. The amount people pay for auto insurance depends on so many factors, from the age of the driver, the driver's previous driving record, the city and state the driver is located in, the number of miles driven in an average week, and even the type of car driven.

When searching for auto insurance, you should have an idea of what type of coverage you are looking for. Do you just want the minimum liability coverage for cheap auto insurance, or do you have a nicer vehicle and require full comprehensive and collision auto insurance coverage? It's important that the coverage you select is adequate to cover you in the event of an accident, and also adequate to cover others should someone or something get damaged in an accident that is your fault.

Auto insurance can be found by performing an internet search, or by looking in the phone book. You'll need to look up insurance providers. Online, just try typing "Cheap auto insurance", or "Los Angeles auto insurance" in the browser to see what kind of results you get. Once you get a list of providers you can start narrowing down your selection based on the type of coverage each company offers, and what rates they quote you. When using the phone book, you'd look under auto insurance in the yellow pages (or maybe try car insurance!), and start making phone calls to ask for auto insurance quotes. Make sure you have available time to make your phone calls or compare rates online, as it can be a time consuming process. You'll need to have your vehicle's vin number handy, the make and model, and your driver's license. This is the type of information any insurance provider would require to provide you with an adequate quote.

The easiest way to keep track of each of the auto insurance providers you contact for quotes is to make a list. Include the name of the company, the phone number and/or web address, the amount of coverage quoted, and the price they quoted you. Once you've contacted several providers, you can quickly see who will be the best provider of cheap auto insurance by glancing at your list. Be sure to compare the same level of coverage among companies to find your best deal!

About the Author:
This article is free for republishing as long as it will include this resource box. Author of this article, Marian Rozwenc, PhD, is a specialist on the field of auto insurance. For more info go to: http://losangelesautoinsurancelocator.com
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How Do I Lower My Auto Insurance Rates?

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by A. Chris

Since there are many factors that go into determining your auto insurance rates, there are many chances to lower your rates.

If you change jobs and your drive to work changes or you stop working or you work from home, you should contact your insurance company.

If you have a teen driver and they go to school over 100 miles away without a car then you should be able to get a discount.

If you get married and are in your teens or twenties call your insurance company and see about combining your policies.

Take defensive driving if your state allows it for a discount.

See if increasing your comprehsive and collision deductibles will save you a lot of money. You need to compare what you're saving and how much more you will have to pay if you file a claim. For example, if you go from $500 to a $1000 deductible and it lowers your insurance $50 per 6 months then it saves you $100 a year.

It will take you 5 years to break even from what you are saving compared to how much more you have to pay.

Now, if it saves you $250 every six months then it would be more worth your while.

See if combining your auto and home insurance polices will qualify for a multi policy discount with your current company. This could be a substantial discount.

One of the biggest ways you could save $200-$500 or more a year is shopping around for insurance. The auto insurance industry is very competitive and this is great news for smart consumers like yourself. Shop for auto insurance quotes here and see how much you can save.

for more tips go to Insurance Information

About the Author:

A. Chris Tijerina has over 3 years of experience in the auto insurance industry and has seen many different people deal with auto insurance related problems. http://www.insurance-for-cars.com/ answers many of the questions facing drivers today.

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All about private health insurance

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by Paul Schwarz

All about private health insurance

Why pay for private health insurance? There are a several very good reasons but probably the most important is speed. If you visit your doctor with medical problem he may refer you to a consultant, the waiting time for this can be months. Following the consultation you may need a scan or some other test, again waiting weeks or probably months. Finally you may need an operation which may involve waiting for months.

In comparison, private medical insurance is much quicker. When you are referred by your doctor your consultation will usually take place within a week at a time to suit you. The necessary tests will be done within a few days, and if an operation is needed it will be arranged on a date shortly afterwards to suit you.

The NHS route has been shortened from several months to just a couple of weeks. Very often, depending on the urgency, the whole process can be condensed into just a couple of days.

There have been many instances of people dying whilst waiting on NHS waiting lists. The severity of a condition might not be recognised until the consultation and tests have taken place, and that can take months.

Many people give up waiting and pay for consultations, tests, and operations themselves, the cost of which can run in to tens of thousands of pounds.

What's the best type of medical insurance plan? Medical insurance can be expensive but there are ways of protecting yourself against high costs whilst ensuring that if you need the dreaded triple heart by-pass it will be covered by your insurance.

If you can afford it you can just take out a plan with full inpatient (operations) and outpatient (consultations & tests) cover. It will be expensive but it will provide peace of mind for you and your family. After all, there is nothing more important than your health, without good health it's difficult to enjoy your life no matter how wealthy you might be.

But there are ways of keeping the cost down. Firstly, there are plans available with limited outpatient cover, usually £1000 per person per policy year, this is more than enough in the vast majority of cases. There is a plan on the market which has just £300 of outpatient cover. With this latter plan you might need to be prepared to pay some of the outpatient costs yourself.

My favourite option is a plan that covers inpatient treatment only. These plans usually also cover scans (MRI, PET, & CT) in full, and also cover oncology (cancer treatments) in full as an inpatient, outpatient, or day-patient. If you have this type of plan and need to see a consultant you have a choice, you can wait to see an NHS consultant or pay about £120 to see a private consultant immediately. You might have to pay for minor tests if you have them done privately but a scan will be paid for by the insurer. But if you need an operation it will be covered in full. This type of plan might end up costing you a few hundred pounds if you need treatment but you will save that many times over during the years that you are paying for your insurance.

No claims discounts - A lot of plans include a no claims discount and they are a great idea for keeping premiums down when you are not claiming. However, be prepared for the fact that if you do claim you will lose discount. There are still a few plans around which do not include a no claims discount but they are more expensive.

It's best to avoid a no claims discount for a family, the more of you there are, the more likely you are to claim. For a couple I would recommend that they take out two separate plans, this will keep the increase down in the event of a claim.

Excesses - There is no point have an excess unless having it saves that excess in a single year. For example if the insurance premium without an excess is £120 per year, and £108 per year with a £100 excess you will save £144 per year so the excess is worth having. If you make a claim you will have to pay the first £100 but you will still save £44.

Underwriting - Insurance companies protect themselves against people joining their medical insurance plans and then immediately claiming. Every new member joins via a particular underwriting method. There are thee types of underwriting; moratorium, full medical declaration, and switch.

Moratorium underwriting is the most common, most people join by this method. Moratoriums vary between insurers but generally if you join by this method any condition occurring in the last 5 years will not be covered until you have been a member for 2 years without treatment, consultation, or medication. This does mean that any ongoing condition such as high blood pressure, or anything related to it will never be covered.

Full medical underwriting requires the applicant to complete a medical history questionnaire, any pre-existing conditions may be excluded. This can be useful if you want to be absolutely certain of what is not covered.

Switch underwriting is unusual for individual medical insurance policies but there are some insurers who do it. You can switch insurers with a continuation of cover proving you have not made a claim in the last 12 months and are not aware of any necessary treatment in the next 12 months.

Paul Schwarz has two specialist health insurance sites: http//:www.freehealthinsuranceadvice.co.uk and http://www.vrhealth.co.uk/

About the Author:
Paul has been an independent insurance consultant specialising in private medical insurance since 1999. He has a degree in Materials Technology and worked in the engineering industry before deciding to give up the worldwide travel and spend more time with his family working from his home in Cheshire.
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Car Insurance Online- The Easiest Way To Get Car Insurance

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by Henry Bell

Online car insurance is nowadays the best way of getting car insurance instantly. Car insurance online saves not only time but it also saves money and energy in searching various car insurances. Buying car insurance online is extremely easy. The best thing about car insurance online is that you can get innumerable car insurance quotes in a click of mouse.

Mostly experts agree that many times consumers pay more on their car insurance policies due to the lack of awareness towards the facilities of car insurance online. If you are concerned about the cost associated with receiving multiple insurance quotes, do not be. By applying online you can get multiple free car insurance quotes from one application. You're also never under any obligation to accept any insurance quote provided - even if it saves you money.

You might think that car insurance online is not the safe mode of getting insurance. But it is not the fact; insurance companies always have concerns with the privacy of the information which insurance company requires you to fill out on their quick quote provider form. However, rest assured that any information you provide is kept secure with encryption technology and will not be released to anyone else to include other insurance providers unless you agree to allow it. With car insurance online the need for documentation is minimal. You can also feel comfortable in knowing that your credit score won't be affected by applying for free auto insurance quotes online. As far as the drawbacks to the car insurance online are concerned there are not many. The only requirement to the car insurance online is that you should have access to a computer with an internet connection.

Car insurance companies which are giving online facility of car insurance have wide and vast network. They provide various online policies. So when you have found a quote that you like, purchasing car insurance online allows you either to accept the quote right then and there or you can opt to receive the rate provided in the mail. But before opting for car insurance online you should make sure that you provide correct information to the insurer company. If incorrect information is given it might create problem when you claim for car insurance. Look for a company which provide easy car insurance online and that has excellent customer service.

About the Author:
Henry Bell is an author who can certainly identify the kind of insurance that you will need. He is proficient in the insurance world; he is an MBA(finance) from University of Oxford. Insuranceb.co.uk endeavors to find the best possible deals for its customers. To find Car insurance online, Break down cover, Mobile phone insurance, Motorcycle insurance, Medical insurance visit http://www.insuranceb.co.uk
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Car Insurance - how to reduce premiums

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by David Hunter

One of the most popular transports in the world is a car. It is very convenient not to wait for the public transport on a bus station, but drive your own car at the most suitable time for you. It saves your time, because you can get to the point of destination in less time then if you used public transport. This and other factors are the reasons of the growing popularity of the private transport.

However, there are some downsides as well. Car ownership is always associated with different risks. You can become involved in an accident, or your car may break down or be damaged, saying nothing about the risk to be stolen. That's why car insurance is mandatory in many countries, particularly in UK, Continental Europe and Northern America. Car insurance eliminates the risk of the unexpected financial burden associated with the above mentioned factors and allows drivers to feel themselves more confident.

So, every driver needs an auto insurance policy, but the main point is that it's not always possible to get car insurance at the desirable price. And this is the very reason why many people hate to pay insurance premiums and would never do it, if they had a choice. In fact, a lot of car owners and drivers pay high insurance premiums just because they do not even know they could pay less. It can be surprising for many of us, but this is an incontestable fact. People buy insurance policies from the companies they have been dealing with for many years thinking they are offered the best possible price. They do not take into consideration the fact that insurance market is ever changing and new opportunities emerge occasionally. Insurance companies offer discounts from time to time and newly established companies enter the market every year. It makes sense to spend some time searching for a better deal and learning more about available options.

Amazing, but you can influence on the level of your insurance premiums. Car insurance costs depend on different factors and one of them is the type of vehicle you whish to insure. If your car belongs to a high-risk group of vehicles, then insurance company will most likely increase insurance premiums for you. Most insurers, if not every, have statistical data of most stolen car models. If you plan to acquire a new car and aren't willing to pay high insurance premiums, make sure you dream car isn't "black-listed" by insurance companies and if it is, may be you should consider buying a different model.

Your gender and age also impact on the insurance premiums. Females are considered as less risky drivers then men hence they pay fewer premiums. The same can be said about young drivers. They also belong to a high-risk group. So, if you are a 21-year-old male, forget about low insurance premiums till you 25th birthday.

Most insurance companies offer special discount to those who have a clear driving record. It's quite obvious that clear driving record proves you are a responsible driver hence less expensive for insurance companies, which allows them offer you a better deal.

Before you purchase or renew your auto insurance policy make a little research of the insurance market. Use the Internet for it. It takes a few hours to find and compare quotes of different insurance companies. You can also approach an insurance agency. They will do their best to find the quote that meets your requirements. They are professionals and are able to look for the necessary information almost instantly.

Sheilas' Wheels is a web site dedicated to women car insurance in UK.

About the Author:
David Hunter is an author from California. He is a professional insurance agent and works in insurance business for many years. David plays golf and drives sports cars.
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Smoking - more expensive than you think?

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by Michael Challiner

Are you a smoker? Have you ever tried to give up the habit? The chances are that you have, but like any addiction it can be (and usually is) extremely difficult to stop, and even attempts to cut down rarely last very long. Part of the problem is that smoking can be very enjoyable, but only too often something can turn up which will instantly remove the enjoyment. Unfortunately that 'something' will very often be loss of health.

The insurance industry is well aware of this fact, so not surprisingly they try to ensure that they do not lose money by covering high risk customers at low risk rates. At the same time non-smoking customers for life insurance have been piling on the pressure in their search for lower premiums. This is where the internet comes into the picture.

It used to be the case that at best, anyone looking for competitive quotations for life insurance had to be prepared to spend a lot of time searching adverts and telephone directories for likely companies. They also had to be prepared to spend a lot of time on the telephone collecting information, and then to settle down to long and careful comparisons, covering bits of paper in confusing and often indecipherable notes.

But all that has changed. Now all they have to do is go online and check out as many companies as they wish. They will find information which is very carefully presented for maximum clarity, because a confused enquirer is highly unlikely to become a customer. It is now so easy to reach a decision that a 'price war' has developed and some very competitive quotations are available. This competition has however had an inevitable effect in that insurance companies have had to tighten up their procedures or risk losing money on the narrower margins.

So they have hit the obvious target - smokers. Whilst the life insurance premiums for non-smokers have been steadily reducing, smoker's premiums have moved away in the opposite direction. This has resulted in rates for smokers which are 100% or more above standard rates and still climbing. This, on top of the cost of the cigarettes (currently estimated to be approaching £100,000 in a lifetime and still climbing) means that anyone who still smokes must be very determined not to curtail their enjoyment.

Critical illness insurance is another policy which many people take out, to provide financial security for their families in the event of loss of income due to lengthy illness. It is reasonably self-evident that this too will be a great deal more expensive for smokers, simply due to their greater propensity for such illnesses as a result of their addiction.

So do you dig your heels in and continue to enjoy smoking, or do you give way to the financial pressure (not to mention the widespread anti-smoker climate) and give up the habit. The sad news is that even if you grit your teeth and stop smoking, as far as the insurance companies are concerned you are not out of the woods (or the Woodbines) for at least 12 months or maybe much longer. Some may require complete cessation for at least five years - contact your intended insurers after 12 months completely smoking free and see how the premiums look now. A considerable cost reduction should be evident.

Some folks cheat themselves and their friends by claiming to have stopped smoking when they are still sneaking the odd one in dark corners. This is up to the individual, but don't try it with your insurers; it would not be difficult for a relatively low-key enquiry to expose the lie and your cover (in both meanings of the word!) would be blown. All the effort, the subterfuge, the self-deceiving would have been wasted. You would not be insured.

Right, you have made the praiseworthy and not inconsiderable effort and you are now a non-smoker. You can feel some justifiable pride as you tick the 'NO' box on a form with a smoking query. Now take advantage of your position, get on the internet and shop around for insurance quotes. You may be pleasantly surprised by some of the offers which you get, but don't let your euphoria get the better of you. A move too soon, before everything has been confirmed, could leave you with a cancelled policy with your old company and an oversight leading to rejection by your new company; result no cover. Check the details carefully, finalise all the figures and then change to your new insurer.

Finally, don't let those savings in expenditure just melt away. Add the money saved on cigarette purchases to the money saved on reduced premiums and invest it, and just watch that total climb!

About the Author:
Life insurance quotations provides free and amazing articles based on life insurance quotations to all uk residents.
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Heavy drinking can increase life insurance costs

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by Michael Challiner

Britons are drinking too much, shout the headlines. Out of those who live in Great Britain, two thirds say they drink to excess at least once a week and almost a quarter hurt themselves while they are intoxicated. This is according to a report by the Drink Aware Trust and the British Chiropractic Association.

But binge drinking is not just a health issue, but a financial one as well. It hits you not just in the pocket through the excess weekly spending on alcohol, but it can drive up the cost of your Life Insurance premiums too.

Talk to the Association of British Insurers and they will tell you that in fact yes, years and years of heavy drinking will be taken into account when calculating your premiums on your life insurance policy. On the Life Insurance application form a questions asks about your alcohol and tobacco consumption. And as with all sorts of insurance products, the underwriting is done at the point of your application.

You might think you can get away with not declaring the fact that you have been drinking excessively for a certain period of time. After all, no one is really going to know when you die right? And of course, you plan to cut down your alcohol consumption in the years to come. Yet a spokesperson for the Association of British Insurers says that it is best to tell the truth. If you die, the medical experts can often tell from the post mortem examination if you are someone who has been drinking for a time frame that extends back before you made your life insurance application. They can refuse to pay out if you did not reveal the truth about your drinking at the time. The spokesperson says: "The point here, as with any deliberate non disclosure, is there is a strong chance that if you do put down something that is not accurate on your application form and if you do have to claim on that policy, the insurance company may say that your policy was rendered invalid because you deliberately failed to disclose something."

However, if you develop an alcohol problem after you have made an application for Life Insurance you are most certainly entitled to a policy payment. He adds: "Your death might be related to some sort of alcohol consumption issue, in which case the policy will pay out. It is only things that are such at the time that you apply that are taken into account."

Most insurance firms ask you to disclose your average weekly consumption of alcohol, asking how many units of alcohol you consume each week. But this does depend on the individual company. Most look at the NHS guidelines with respect to deciding what is a normal and safe level of alcohol to consume and what is considered to be potentially dangerous. The firm will weight their premiums accordingly. Direct Line insurance company charges a 30-year old who does not drink monthly Life Insurance premiums of £14.88. For someone who does drink the payment is £15.37. Over the years, this can make quite a difference.

A spokesperson for the ABI says alcohol consumption is one of a number of factors insurers will look at when they are establishing whether or not to take on an insurance risk and what the level of premiums for that person will be.

"From a public health perspective, there will be medical practitioners within insurance companies who will have concerns about this issue," he says. But he goes on to add: "The insurance companies must look at that factor dispassionately as they do with all of the other factors that they look at when they are calculating premiums."

About the Author:
Life insurance shop provides free and amazing articles based on life insurance to all uk residents.
Learn more about Insurance : http://www.topofbusiness.net
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Life Insurance - When Only The Best Will Do!

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by Michael Challiner

We're all too used to hearing about rising prices. But there's one thing that now costs less than ever - good life insurance! Intrigued? Read on ...

No-one likes to think about the worst that could happen. But proper life insurance cover could protect your family, providing them with the means to cope financially should you pass on. Life insurance cover is divided into three main types. Here is our jargon-busting guide to de-mystifying what they are, and what they mean:

· First we have the level term policy. This pays a one-off cash payment when you die. The amount is agreed when you take out the policy and does not change. · An increasing term policy is also known as indexed insurance and the amount paid out changes with inflation. Some policies of this type may have premiums that rise with inflation too, but some do not. · Lastly a decreasing term policy pays out an amount on death that decreases through time, getting smaller as the policy progresses. A long-lived customer may even outlive the point where the policy pays anything at all.

These policy types often form part of loan or mortgage deals. There are benefits to each type, depending on the loan or mortgage it is being used to safeguard.

Level term policies are most usually used with interest only mortgages. This type of mortgage does not reduce the capital you borrowed with time - you only pay off the interest. When you die, the capital amount is paid off by the insurance policy payout. Whatever may happen with inflation, it does not change.

Increasing term policies cost more, but offer protection against inflation.

Decreasing term policies are usually used with repayment mortgages. In this type of mortgage the capital is paid off along with the interest, decreasing the amount you owe. This type of insurance has lower premiums than level term insurance.

Term policy payments can be settled in two ways: either as a single or "lump" sum, or as "family income benefit". This second method means that an agreed amount is paid to your family as an income for the remaining duration of the policy. The method you use affects the cost of the premium you will have to pay. If you consider that the longer a policy holder lives, the fewer family income payments an insurance company will have to make, you can see why this type is cheaper.

So far, we have only discussed insurance for mortgages and loan payments. These are both useful, but there are other things you can do to ensure peace of mind.

A typical, average family, it is estimated, will need insurance for both parents worth at least £150,000 in insurance for each child, in addition to any death-in-service benefits you may expect ( these usually come with your employment). Taking the option of family income benefit, it's recommended that you should allow for an income of £20,000 to £25,000 a year for each child.

There is another alternative form of life insurance. It pays out a guaranteed sum on the death of the policy holder (the sum assured), and is known as whole of life. The terms for this type of insurance vary.

You can also buy life insurance bundled with your pension fund. This gives you the opportunity of getting tax relief on the premiums you pay. A higher rate tax payer can get £100 worth of life insurance for only £60, which makes this an attractive method to some. On the downside, higher administration costs for this type mean higher premiums overall, so basic tax rate payers may prefer to shop around and compare to make sure they get the best deal.

Some couples take out a joint policy covering both at once, but it's better to take out individual insurance. The reason for this is that a joint policy pays out only once, when the first partner dies, but individual policies pay out for each partner.

We've given an overview of the different policies and what might be best for you here, but for more in-depth and up-to-the-minute advice we recommend finding an Internet insurance broker. Surf onto the 'net, and into a great deal - and peace of mind for you and your family, hopefully for many years to come!

About the Author:
Life Insurance Professionals great articles based around life assurance.
Learn more about Insurance : http://www.topofbusiness.net
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Getting a Texas Home Owner Insurance Quote

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by Andrew Bicknell

Getting a Texas home owner insurance quote is relatively easy simply because there are quite a number of insurance providers in the state. As everyone knows insurance premiums and rates can vary from state to state, along with the type of coverage's offered. This only makes sense because different areas of the country are more prone to certain types of natural disasters then others. There isn't much need for hurricane insurance in Nevada.

Shopping for a Texas home owner insurance quote comes down to making a decision as to which insurance company provides the best coverage for the price. You don't want to pay an outrageous amount but you also do not want to pay to little and not have the necessary amount of coverage in case of an emergency. Here are four points to keep in mind when it comes to purchasing home owners insurance in Texas.

1. Monthly Premium - No matter where you live a monthly insurance payment is an expense you have to fit into your monthly budget. It can take a good portion out of your paycheck so it is important to get the best deal possible. Make sure to fully review any policy before you make a final decision to be sure that it covers your most valuable asset, your home, adequately. Also look for discounts and many insurance companies offer these for their customers. One of the more popular discounts is a combination Texas home owner and automobile policy.

2. Insurance Company Longevity - Be sure to check the history of the insurance company you are dealing with. Many fly-by-night operations pop up now and again with their only motivation being getting a hold of your hard earned money. If the deal seems too good to be true exercise caution before signing the policy.

3. Customer Satisfaction - Getting a good deal is only half the story when it comes to home insurance. The other half is the customer service side of the equation. When researching the different providers be sure to check with the better business bureau to see how their customer service is rated. Do they pay their claims in a timely manner with little hassle or do they have a reputation of making their customers wait an inordinately long time.

4. Comfort Level - Are you comfortable with the way you have been treated during the insurance quote process. The sales people should be genuinely helpful and willing to answer all your questions. You should get the feeling that if and when you make a claim they will be there to help and assist you in a timely manner.

When receiving a Texas home owner insurance quote keep these things in mind and you should come out with a good policy at a good price that protects your home from all forms of natural and man made disasters.

About the Author:
To find our more about getting a Texas home owner insurance quote please visit the website Home Insurance Quotes by Clicking Here.
Learn more about Insurance : http://www.topofbusiness.net
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Why You Should Take Time To Find The Best Life Insurance Quotes As Soon As You Can

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by Craig Thornburrow

We all have people in our lives that we care deeply for, and if you want to be able to ensure that they are well off even if you were to somehow die tomorrow, then you should seriously consider setting aside some time to find your own best life insurance quotes. Taking the time to find resources and websites full of information about insurance could be one of the most important tasks you do all year and what better motivation to do so than to be able to protect your family after you are gone.

On your quest to find some of the best rate quotes, you can visit the websites of the providers themselves or various sources that are designed to compare different prices for life insurance plans which fit your family's budget. Finding a quote online will only take a few moments, but will provide tremendously important financial stability for your family in a time when they will need it most.

Discovering the perfect life insurance plan can be difficult though, as you are putting your trust in a single company to assist in the task of taking care of your family's finances after you have passed. On the brighter side though, this is why it is such a benefit to use the World Wide Web to receive the best life insurance quotes. Because of websites it is possible to compare prices and reputations every major life insurance company and policy.

With just a couple of quick questions about your life so that a company's actuaries can determine how much of a risk you are, you will be well on your way to receiving rate quotes in no time.

Life insurance provides your family with several key benefits that are necessary for most people after the demise of their loved one. To begin with, a life insurance plan will provide enough monetary support to allow your spouse and kids to stay out of debt upon your demise. When looking for life insurance quotes for a particular plan, you should make sure that your family will be able to continue to live comfortably under the money provided by the life insurance pay out until they can find a means of supporting themselves once again.

A pay out from a life insurance policy will also give your loved ones a way to pay for your funeral. As you may already know, funerals are a costly undertaking, and are increasing in cost by the day. In the time immediately following your death, your family has enough to worry about and should not have to be burdened by the overwhelming costs of a funeral ceremony.

If you want your family to be safe and secure for the future after you are gone, then it is of the utmost importance that you take some time right now and search the web for the best life insurance quotes.

About the Author:
Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on life insurance and a life insurance quote at http://www.bestdeallifeinsurance.com
Learn more about Insurance : http://www.topofbusiness.net
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