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Top 5 Car Insurance Myths And Misconceptions Debunked!

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by Ryan Holmes

Although it shouldn't be too difficult for you to locate a car insurance that satisfies your needs, as mentioned in the title, there are some misconceptions.

If you search Google for the term "car insurance" you'll find tons of information related to that keyword. Maybe that's one of the reasons why choosing a good affordable car insurance could be so confusing at times - The information on the subject is just so overwhelming...

So you see, Car insurances are complicated enough. Adding myths to the confusion won't make things easier for you to take informed decisions.

This article will give you a better understanding of the BASICS of choosing a good car insurance company by debunking its myths first.

So here are some of the most common myths floating around:

Myth #1: The colour of your vehicle will affect your insurance rate

A recent online survey of 1,000 drivers conducted by Drive® Insurance from Progressive found out that 25 % believed that the colour of their car affects their auto insurance rate.

Wrong! It doesn't matter at all weather your car is blue, red, black or golden.

Fact: Information that is used to calculate auto insurance rates includes the vehicle's year, make, model, body type, engine size and as well information about the driver. NOT the colour of your car

Myth #2 - A speeding ticket will increase my insurance rates

Nope, not necessarily. One speeding ticket probably won't affect your insurance rate although that may vary according to which car insurance you choose.

But be caught by the police more than three times for speeding OR drive more than 50 km/h faster than the speed allowed and your insurance rate will go up for sure...

Myth #3 The accident wasn't my fault! I won't be charged ...

Don't take that statement for granted. Well, the police might have considered you not guilty. BUT it's your insurance company that has the last word in your case. As long as their investigation does not confirm that it's not your fault you better be prepared to loose some cash...

Myth #4: My friend caused an accident using my car! His insurance wil pay for it...

No, certainly not true. Weather your friend caused the accident doesn't matter, your rate will increase and the claim will show on your record just as though you had the accident.

Myth #5 No matter which Auto insurance company I sign up with, my insurance rates won't differ significantly!

This couldn't be further from the truth. Auto insurance rates DO vary from company to company. Every minute spent on researching affordable auto insurance companies can and will save you hard-earned money! Sometimes several hundred dollars.

Ok, now we have debunked the most common car insurance myths & misconceptions, was that all? By no means! There are many more myths floating around but the ones provided here belong to the most common myths and should be enough for you to know to take an informed decision. After all, this is why you are reading the article in the first place.

I'm sure you can find some valuable links on the web that will take you to affordable Auto insurance companies and/or will provide you with a free Auto insurance quote to get things going.

Good luck to you finding your perfect Car Insurance :)

About the Author:
Ryan has published several articles on how to find cheap car insurance quotes online. For more useful resources and information about car insurance, quotes & common myths & mistakes to avoid please visit his car insurance website
Learn more about Insurance : http://www.topofbusiness.net


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